Thursday 5 February 2004

When we get hurt, part of our soul dies away
It transforms into tears
And escape from us
Because we can only take so much hurt

I think I lost my friend
She said friends are functional, what's the point of keeping old friends when they cannot be there anymore
I said if there was anything she could call or we could meet for lunch someday
She said she din like to talk non stop during our conversations
I said someone has to listen in a conversation and I would take over if she felt tired
She said she din like talking to me because I reminded her of the past
I said she had changed
She said she knew and she hoped her friends would not be too bitter about it
I said one day I'll move on and understand her current state of mind
She said maybe

She came along
She told me friendships last
She taught me friends are people to brave through storms with you
She felt that the most touching thing about friendship was that friends made a difference in your life and you'll never be the same ever again
She gave new meaning to HAHA
She said one thing you could believe in was miracles
She taught me everyone has their own magic including me
She said friendship was about giving and giving

I think
You give a part of yourself, a part of your memory, a place in your heart
Away to every close friend you make
That is why they are the ones who can really hurt you so deep

Monday 2 February 2004

there are alot of things that we thought we knew
we could be so certain that we have found the answer
we could be so adamant as to what we have to or should do
yet once we procrastinate
rationality sets in and we realise
we were too idealistic
too optimistic
too confident that we could change the world we live in

i thought i had made up my mind to take another path at the crossroads yesterday
i thought i finally knew what i wanted
and found who i wanted to meet for a long long time
but after thinking about it
it is not the case.
maybe i painted too rosy a picture
maybe i read too much into things
maybe i was being too sensitive

for the first time i really dunno what to think feel or do