There are some questions that you can ask over and over, despite knowing the answer already. It's even written down somewhere in an obscure journal. There are some questions that you want to ask over and over, despite having asked over and over anyways. I asked if i could stop hoping, I asked if I could stop waiting. Because it's difficult, because it entails hiding something in my heart that takes up space and because this has weight that bears down on me.
"Is this how you wait for the Messiah?"
It is fundamentally different, faith and hope, I argued. The close reference to this hope and faith in God Himself is making me uncomfortable. Yet I do not know if it's truly one and same, or is my flesh making justifications. It's a purification process of sorts, as i search again and again for the reason for my hope.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.- Hebrews 11:1
What does it all mean?