David in all his "gaiety" glory. what were they thinking, adding the feminine covering on him. as if he wasn't already the hot babe candidate for homosexuals. haha. It was an awe inspiring statue they had of David at the main entrance. 2 storeys high as you can see!

This is absolutely my favourite photo out of the entire outing. These are sculptures of Nike, the goddess who brings victory and peace. The colour composition is absolutely stunning.

an art exhibit that shows nature in the heart of civilisation. i think we learnt an important lesson on global warming instead when we ascended to the top. the greenhouse layer nearly hit us backward as we struggled to breathe amidst the thick damp air. the "in-between" seal looked murdered rather than enjoying its amphibian existence between nature and the man-made. From the bottom it looked like it was being lynched.

definitely a social critique of the corrupt leaders of Indonesia to date. some were intact regimes (as signified by the intact crowns), some broken, some totally melted down into a heap of nothingness to trample upon.

this piece of Indonesian art, SK and i disagreed as to what it meant. He thought it was subjugation of women, whilst i saw it as the empowerment of women, because what was heels (subjugation) was transformed into shovels (work) and muscular legs(strength) as pumps. I won in the end, simply because i believe in my art interpretation :) That's what art appreciation is isn't it. Be sure of what you think and impose that on other people subtly in artful language.
that said, i absolutely love museums and art and taking photos of exhibits. (okay even though SK snapped all these photos and not me) It gives me much joy :) i must be an art geek.