Would you say that it is a rude awakening to realize that there's no one to completely understand you, someone who's always on your side? This hit me this week pretty hard, but it's part of the human condition - to be imperfect people who might sometimes let neglect and competition slip into our relationships with one another. I shall not dwell on that. CS Lewis believes that it is possible to love our enemies, just by looking how we love ourselves. there are days that you don't like yourself, but you still love yourself all the same isn't it. therefore there are times when i don't like my friends, but i can love them all the same. and there are going to be times i won't like my future husband, but i can continue to love him. how profound.
on that note, there's an acute sense that there is an Eve in me. I do need my Adam, though i've sometimes wondered if I was going to remain single. I need someone to walk through this journey and grow with me. I don't think i can go it alone. I'm of the persuasion that there is a RIGHT person. all political correctness aside (like you should think of being Miss RIGHT instead of pondering over the possible existence of Mr RIGHT), i do believe that there is someone out there who's more right, than others, for me. someone i can live with the rest of my life and i won't doubt if i made a right choice by choosing him above all the other zillions of male specimens out there. And of course, to have that person think the same of me. but of course, substitute male with "female" please. i don't know if there's only one of such a person and I don't really think it's important, as long as i will meet someone right eventually. all the other generic questions won't matter.