Day was enjoyable with a lunch date with dear grace :) we talked and had a good time just enjoying one another. she caught me i n one of those little daytime rêves as my mind wandered off and i sheepishly told her about the little dream that i had last night. i told her about my little request to God for an exciting partner and her incisive question of "don't you already know who it is" elicited in me a response a tad self-defensive because a part of me knows i've been caught going a little off-track. there are a lot of excuses and justifications, but i know deep down i'm just restless about waiting for God's plan to unfold.
After watching the sermon i finally understood God's question to me
"Is this how you wait for the Messiah?"
i'm not going to bargain with God, why ask for a discount when He is going to offer me the best quality goods at the best price? Do you know, that nothing in my life beats the fact that i'm going to Heaven, a place where my God, where Jesus dwells? Absolutely nothing. Not beauty, not wealth, not intelligence, not even a handsome boyfriend (haha!). His will for me is going to be absolutely glorious. I will not fight God. Because i saw a glimpse of His glory tonight.
the email blast i did for this week's rally. If you didn't already know, I'm Publicity Director for NUS Navigators! :) I love using God-given creativity to create. (seriously, creativity can come from nowhere else.) To learn to be as colourful (though not as much as Him of course) as my dear Creator. I always sense God's pleasure on me when i come up with email blasts using Fireworks. He's always smiling down at me :)
And so, the point was we watched the video sermon on Heaven today. And i realigned my confused and wandering spirit and anchored myself with my beloved God today, after a brief wandering of the heart.
Tonight, John Bevere talked about the New Jerusalem, with lotsa Scripture to back it up but i remembered none of it. Only the story he told about his friend and his 10year old son.
His friend's 10 year old son in 1979 was electrocuted, as he was watching TV while bathing. Apparently, the little boy had wanted to catch some League finals and accidentally dragged the entire TV into the bathtub. When the Sheriff-turned-preacher went home after his first day of preaching, he found his wife curled up in one corner of the house just crying and calling "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" over and over. He rushed upstairs to find his son's dead body; the little boy had turned blue, absolutely no sign of life in his pupils. The father was devastated and when the paramedics came he told them to wait and for a full 45 minutes he refused to let them pronounce him dead as he went into another room to pray to God to resurrect his son.
Just as he surrendered to God near the end of 45 mins, telling God that he had no faith left to pray, that he needed God's faith to fill him, the ERG machine came to live again and registered the faint heartbeat of the little boy.
When they got to the hospital, the doctors managed to get the little boy's heartbeat going, but told the father that if the son was going to make it, he was going to have a 0.1% IQ and the physical capabilities of a 3 month old infant for the rest of his life. Basically, a vegetable-to-be. the father continued to pray, continued to play worship songs and God's Word in the little boy's ward.
Nothing happened for 7 months. 7 long months.
The boy woke up from that long sleep one day and told his parents about the Heaven that he went to.
The little boy said he felt no pain that night he was electrocuted. An angel of God was with him in the bathroom that night and took him by the right hand and lifted his spirit out of his body. The first thing he realized when he was in Heaven was that he had not a 10year old body, but a 30year old, matured body. He was brought to a street, on a path not lined with gold, but made entirely of PURE GOLD. Gold that the little boy had never seen before and in that city of God, flowers and trees and grass of a vibrancy that breathes life.
Every colour that he recognized as what he seen on earth was infinitely more brilliant and
alive in Heaven. There were colours he hadn't seen on earth before, more colours than he ever knew. He saw the faces of dead relatives and even a neighbour, Phyllis, who died 2 weeks after his mother had led her to Christ. Some of those relatives died even before he was born. The people were all smiling and when the crowd around him parted, there in front of him was Jesus.
Jesus asked him if he would like to tour the city. the boy said yes and together with the Lord they went round the city. It was glorious. As he floated and walked and spoke with Christ, he enjoyed the fellowship tremendously. He saw many things, even the beautiful mansions that Jesus had prepared for his family. Each big mansion had a name written on it.
When the time came, Jesus told him, "You must go back to earth". The little boy didn't want to. Jesus pulled open a veil and behind that was the scene of the little boy's father on his knees in prayer, crying out to God to save his son. "Your father is praying for you, and he was authority. Besides, i have called you to be an evangelist, so go back to earth," Jesus said with much love.
And so the little boy, who was supposed to be a vegetable with 0.1% IQ all his life, came to life much to the astonishment of the doctors. He went on to graduate from high school, went on to be the class president, went to college, graduated, went on to bible school and eventually, prepared himself to be an evangelist, what God had called him to do. Alive and well, because God's spirit was with him. Alive and well, because Jesus died and rose again. The little boy who is not so little anymore, still periodically jokes with his father not to pray for him to come to life should he die again, so that he might be with Jesus.
Such a beautiful story of God's love and Heaven with Him :)
I'm really looking forward to eternity spent with God. My spirit yearns for that. But i have received my calling in God. To be a Rae of Light for Him. so not yet. Not so soon :)
I pray that i will be faithful with all that He has called and commissioned to do, so that when i see Him face to face, i know that i have been a good and faithful servant to my Lord who loves me so much. My citizenship, is in Heaven.