4 years later, we meet at the same campus again. that distinctive handsome profile and confident stride. we're both markedly different by now, and lead markedly different lives, even if 4 years ago we were at the same crossroads. even if four years ago i thought we could be good friends if we had the chance to say hello. the hellos came and gone, the meetings and conversations over the couple of years faded into oblivion and soon we went back to leading our separate lives.
it would be more accurate to say that except for that crossroad where we both were lost, we are, by nature markedly different people. so different that i never found enough common ground to feel entirely comfortable around him. and he probably never quite understood me, since i was ever so self conscious around him.
and so, i still find it incredulous that he remains the only person that I still want so much to know, understand and befriend.
am i just a sucker for the tragic? that irrational desire. that irrational belief that he's different from all the others that i know and will ever know.