Tuesday, 2 June 2009

work and be content - for this is the gift of God.

i enjoy work alot. alot more than i expected. it helps alot that a whole bunch of us entered the workplace together and there's always company for the tea-lunch-tea routine. i feel productive each day, excited to reach the office early so i have time to spend time with God, excited to start work, excited to be working, excited to be heading home. life is not a bed of roses, but it's alot like a garden right now. the awesome thing is that most that I've met - oldtimers- look happy to be working there too.

at the end of each day, I'm surprised at how content i am to head home, eat dinner, bathe, have my dose of red wine - and sleep. instead of feeling i wasted a day doing nothing - or work- i feel contented. starting to appreciate the verse in Ecclesiastes that says that work is a gift of God.