Wednesday, 7 May 2008


i am dead tired from 3 hour Film Art exam in the morning and French class at night. bleah. why do i get the feeling that everyone else is enjoying their post exam celebrations already? I still have a paper tomorrow! Oh gosh.

We were doing phonics and the alphabet tonight and man was it borrrrrrrrrrring. the take home is that i can recite the alphabet in French now. yippeee. bestest achievement of the year. C'est Ca. Glenn was nice to talk to as usual on the way home but i was less chatty tonight because of overwhelming fatigue. But one thing i learnt about doctors is that they really signed their life away on the dotted line. His schedule is KRAZY for a 26year old. If i were a doctor i think i will eventually adapt to a life of only patients and rounds AND MINIMAL SLEEP but the fact that i will have to give up time with family and friends and hobbies is just... unimaginable.