He is no fool. First he makes sure that this really is the content of his life, for his soul is too healthy and too proud to squander the least thing upon a mere inebriation. He is not cowardly, he is not afraid of letting love creep into his most secret, his most hidden thoughts, to let it twine in innumerable coils about every ligament of his consciousness; if the love becomes an unhappy love, he will never be able to tear himself loose from it. He feels a blissful rapture in letting love tingle through every nerve, and yet his soul is as solemn as that of the man who has drained the poisoned goblet and feels just how the juice permeates every drop of blood - for this instant is life and death.- Excerpt from Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling
my prince, is to be a knight of Faith, someone who knows what he wants and where he's going, someone of courage and conviction, unafraid to love.
there's something about reading Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling in such a beautiful setting, a Sunday afternoon reading in the courtyard of Sterling memorial library.