was it a few days ago?
that the rain receded as fast as it came, all in a matter of 2 minutes.
it came, just to induce tears,
down the face by the window.
that window, streaked with rain, silent.
and i couldn't speak nor turn my face away.
i remember, so long ago.
everytime you toss my sister up into the air,
chuckling with laughter and with smile in your eyes,
my heart raced and i was afraid you'll drop her.
but you were unafraid, tossing her higher, higher, higher.
i thought you might even hit her against the ceiling or something.
silly me.
you'd ruffle my hair, bend down to my height and ask me to visit you someday when we bid farewell.
i thought of your broad shoulders, your strong back and your big hands.
how you used to walk so swiftly with big strides,
as if the decades of age added onto you were just numbers and nothing more.
and you never merely spoke, but bellowed with your low voice.
so loud, i thought you had a mic hidden somewhere.
i remember thinking what a handsome man you must have been, in your youth.
strong, confident and brave.
year by year, i wondered if you were really as old as they say.
i watched your graying hair turn white,
but i see the zest in you.
i heard my parents talk about how you're really getting old,
but you continue to seem so strong and healthy to me.
you still bellowed and laughed so heartily.
i saw how you needed your walking stick one year,
and i finally understood the inevitability of time.
a man, who pulled through the death of a son, who looked after a wife who went blind grieving, who was a dear friend.
a man, who left at the age of 80, peacefully in his sleep.
a man, whom i only knew as Uncle.